美国科学家研发出新型塑料服装面料 穿上可自动降温

American scientists have recently developed a new low-cost plastic textile that automatically reduces the body surface temperature of people.

In an interview with AFP, engineers from the US Science magazine said that the appearance of this fabric means that people are in a high temperature environment, and even if they do not use air conditioners, they can still feel cool.

According to Yi Cui, an associate professor of materials science and photonics at Stanford University, this is a way to save energy and keep it cool. The researchers used nanotechnology, photonics and chemical technology to develop this new textile fabric, which works together to reduce the somatosensory temperature in two ways:

1) This fabric, like cotton, can make the body sweat evaporate efficiently;

2) At the same time, this fabric has the typical characteristics of polyethylene material - transparent, close-to-cover plastic material, often used as a cling film in the kitchen. Ordinary clothing fabrics block the release of infrared light from the body, but this new material allows infrared light to pass easily and promote heat dissipation. (All objects, including our bodies, emit infrared light and release heat.)

A professor at Stanford Electrical Engineering said that when people sit in the office, 40 to 60% of the body's heat is taken away by infrared radiation. However, the research on thermal radiation in the field of textiles is currently rare.

To test the cooling capacity of the fabric, the researchers placed the plastic fabric on the same bare skin as the normal cotton fabric sample to test the surface temperature changes. The test results show that the body surface temperature under the cotton fabric is 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the temperature of the new fabric lower body surface. It is believed that people who wear this new type of plastic fabric clothing will greatly reduce the dependence on air conditioners and fans.

Researchers say they will optimize the color, texture and pattern of this new fabric. They said that the advent of a new type of fabric meant that production must be quantified and prices guaranteed to be low.

(Source: Pixabay)

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